W3schools Css Text Decoration
The text decoration property is used to set or remove decorations from text.
W3schools css text decoration. Also look at the text decoration property which is a short hand property for text decoration line text decoration style and text decoration color. The text decoration shorthand css property sets the appearance of decorative lines on text. This property of css is implemented to add or remove decorations from your text. Origin pointer events position quotes resize right scroll behavior tab size table layout text align text align last text decoration text decoration color text decoration line text decoration style text indent text justify text overflow text shadow text transform top transform transform.
Sets the kind of text decoration to use like underline overline line through text decoration color. The worlds largest web developer site. The text decoration property is mostly used to remove underlines from links. When the text decoration value is set to none it is often employed for removing underlines from links which looks something like this.
It is a shorthand for text decoration line text decoration color text decoration style and the newer text decoration thickness property. If you have a google account you can save this code to your google drive. Is often used to remove underlines from links. Google will ask you to confirm google drive access.
Save to google drive. Sets the color of the text decoration. The text decoration style property sets the style of the text decoration like solid wavy dotted dashed double.